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Creating Art has always been an important part of my life. My quest is to understand my environment and  relationships, rather than seeking admiration by others. I am an observer and my work is very personal and introspective using a variety of media.


My central theme is the absence of truth, individual realities and their ambiguities (The world of the Dede puppets are the public expression of my observations).


The upshot is that non-acceptance of individual realities is ultimately the death of debate and a fertile breeding ground for haters. This awareness shifted my focus on creating positive communities outside the puppet world. 


In German we have this beautiful word Lebenskünstler. Though there is no translation into English, the literal meaning is Artist of Life. It acknowledges: living your life is your art.


For more artwork visit my Instagram Beyond_the_dedes


Dede puppet Alien enjoying life

Dede puppet Alien

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